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Navigating Foreclosure with Confidence

My Foreclosure Solution Educational Resources and Beyond!


Embarking on the journey through foreclosure becomes more manageable when armed with knowledge. In this article, we not only explore a variety of educational resources for homeowners facing foreclosure but also introduce state-specific laws and official websites to empower individuals with information tailored to their needs.

Understanding the Foreclosure Process:

Before diving into specialized resources, familiarize yourself with the foreclosure process. Websites like Bankrate and Nolo provide comprehensive articles. Additionally, My Foreclosure Solution offers a dedicated section, providing insights into foreclosure stages and strategies for a smoother journey. Refer Here

Financial Planning and Budgeting:

Navigate financial challenges with My Foreclosure Solution financial planning resources, complemented by external platforms such as MyMoney.gov and NFCC. These resources empower homeowners with budgeting strategies and credit counseling to regain financial stability.

Government Resources:

Explore government resources provided by My Foreclosure Solution, emphasizing HUD and MakingHomeAffordable.gov. These resources outline foreclosure prevention options and government initiatives, aligning with our commitment to keeping you informed.

Man Carrying his Son over the Shoulders
Exploring Tax and Mortgage Overages Across the United States

50 State Overage Guide

Navigating the complexities of tax and mortgage overages is crucial for homeowners seeking financial recovery. In our comprehensive guide, we provide valuable insights into the laws governing tax and mortgage overages in each state. Below is a curated list, offering direct links to each state’s official website for detailed information on these overages.

AlabamaTitle 40-10-28N/A
Alaska29.45.48009.45.380 & 09.45.400Tax overages must get claim filed within 6 months of tax sale date.
ArizonaN/A33-812NO tax overages.
California46752924kFunds will not be distributed until at least 12 months has passed from the date of tax sale, but must submit claim before the 12 months is up. Mortgage overages have a statute for “Mortgage Foreclosure Consultants”. This applies to those who help homeowner recover proceeds. Read the statute here: Mortgage Consultant Statute.
ColoradoN/A2016 Bill with statuteNo tax overages. For mortgage overages you cannot go after funds after 30 months following the foreclosure sale. Then it is capped at 20% fee limit and 30% if funds are with the state for more than 3 years.
Connecticut12-157Chapter 846 Section 49-27You have 90 days following tax sale to submit claim then the funds go to state.
DelawareTitle 9 Chapter 87, 8779Title 10 Chapter 49 Subchapter XI 5067
District of Columbia47-1307Title 42 Chapter 8 Nothing about surplus funds in the mortgage statute.
Florida197.58245.032 & 45.033Tax sale statute states funds are to be disbursed under the unclaimed property statute 717.
Georgia48-4-5 & 48-4-8144-14-190Use attorney to get around dealing with counties not friendly to third-parties.
Hawaii246-63667-3 & 31Once in states possession cannot claim the funds until 2 years have gone by then you can recover.
Idaho31–80845-1507For tax overages, county should send out notice within 30 days of sale. Then a claim must be filed within 60 days from when notice went out. County will then send monies to the state. Once funds are at state you must wait 2 years before acting as a finder (14-536).
IllinoisN/A, see 21-215735 ILCS 5/15-1512Here is a page outlining the mortgage overage process. No tax overages in Illinois.
IndianaIC 6-1.1-24-6.4IC 32-30-10-14
IowaN/A654.7Overage known as “overplus”.
LouisianaN/A, see 47:2211Civil Code of Procedure 2373Mortgage overages are handled by Sheriff.
MaineTitle 36, 949 & 992?Title 14, Part 7, Chapter 713, Subchapter 3, 6203-A (public sale)Tax overages are now allowed due to new law implemented in 2023.
Maryland14-1814-305-306Tax lien state, so remember overage is not created until the lien is foreclosed upon. For mortgage overages be aware there is a foreclosure consultant statutue (real property, title 7 subtitle 3) do not use assignments in MD when working mortgage overage cases.
MassachusettsChapter 60 Section 28Chapter 183 Section 27
MichiganN/A, county keeps it,
600.3252Possibility the state could be opened up for tax overages within the next couple years.
MinnesotaN/A 580.1
MississippiTitle 27 Chapter 41Title 89 Chapter 1Could not find anywhere in statute that addressed mortgage overages. For tax overages, you have 2 years from end of redemption period to submit a claim for excess funds.
MissouriChapter 140.230Statute 443No info on mortgage overages; however, most common foreclosure practice is non-judicial so the funds will either be in possession of the trustee who conducted sale or deposited with the court. 140.230 may also applied to mortgage overages as it states “other debt”this could include a mortgage. Funds will be available for distribution 90 days after the redemption period for a maximum of three years or funds go to the county school fund.
MontanaSB25371-7-225 & 71-1-316Montana was a state that didn’t have tax overages before, now it will thanks to Senate Bill 253 passed in 2019. You have 120 days to submit a claim from the date the notice is sent out. Same with lienholders. After 120 days lienholder claims are barred. Unclaimed property after 5 years. For mortgage overages notice of surplus may be filed with recorder and funds deposited into court.
NebraskaN/A76-1011 & 25-1540 (for Sheriff sales)Based on the bidding procedure in Nebraska. It appears there are no tax overages; however, it is confusing as there is a section addressing surplus funds from tax overages once the lien is foreclosed on 77-1910 & 1915.
NevadaNRS 361.610NRS 40.462-463For tax overages statute lists a fee limit of 10% and you must submit claim within 1 year of sale. For mortgage overages lists a max fee of $2,500.
New HampshireTitle V, Chapter 80:88Section 479: 22-23Not much info on mortgage overages. New Hampshire can use tax lien and tax deed process to collect delinquent process. So know if the redemption period has passed or lien has been foreclosed on. Otherwise you’re just dealing with potential overages.
New JerseyN/A, tite 542A:50-37NJ tax lien sales use a bid down system of the interest rate so overages are not usually created. Mortgage overages go into court system.
New Mexico7-38-7148-10-15Tax overages go to state after 2 years
New York11941354, 1361, & 1362New York is tough in regards to tax overages as different municipalities may be able to set their own rules and regulations so the process to recover may vary from county to county. Focus on higher population areas.
North Carolina105-374(q)45-21.31$1,000 cap on fees (see Unclaimed Property Packet).
North DakotaN/A, county keeps it, 57-28-2032-10-10No tax overages. Mortgage overages are handled by courts and are invested if no claim received within 90 days.
Ohio5721.22329.44For mortgage overages you have 90 days to submit claim or funds are sent to state and your subject. For tax overages you have 3 years.
Oklahoma68-3131Title 15 765 & 773 & 46-48Have 1 year from date of sale to claim funds for tax overages then forfeited to county. Cannot use assignments for tax overages according to statute.
OregonN/A86.794No tax overages.
PennsylvaniaPA ST 72 P.S. ยง 5971m & 5891-5895Rule 3136May only be able to go after tax overages between years 2-5. For mortgage overages, Sheriff must file report within 30 days of sale; waits 10 days for objections; distributes proceeds after 10 days if no objections; sends proceeds to court if objections made.
Rhode Island44-9-3734-11-22Tax overages the funds are held for 5 years from date of tax sale.
South Carolina12-51-13029-3-650Mortgage overages statute talks about lienholders getting surplus back but not homeowner, funds mostly likely held by court though. For tax overages you have 5 years from date of tax sale to claim the overage.
South Dakota10/22/2027State Code 21-48-16For tax overages you have 1 year to claim until it goes into county general fund. For mortgage overages if the money sits in court for three months then clerk can invest money into a CD account at a local bank.
TennesseeTitle 67Title 35Not much info on mortgage overages however it appears funds would be distributed by trustee not the court. Unclaimed funds with state and you must be a licensed private investigator and can only charge 10% (see here).
Texas34.02-0470.007Have 2 years to claim for both mortgage overages and tax overages.
Utah59-2-1351.157-1-29For mortgage overages once a claim is submitted all other parties have 60 days to respond. For tax overages if at state level must wait 24 month before you can pursue the funds.
VermontTite 32 Chapter 133, 5061Vt. Rules Civ. P.80.1(j)(1).Tax overages and mortgage overages are disposed of in the same manner per tax overages statute.
Virginia58.1-396755-59.4 also 8.9A-608For tax overages have 2 years to submit a claim before funds are forefeit to county. For mortgage overages trustee may disburse funds.
WashingtonRCW 84.64.080(10)RCW 61.24.080
West Virginia11A-3-1038-1-7 & 8Tax overages have 2 years to claim from date of redemption.
WisconsinN/A 75.521(14a)846.08 & .10(3)No tax overages in Wisconsin currently. Mortgage overages are held with court.
Wyoming39-13-108(IV)34-4-113Tax overages claims must be filed within 2 yrs from date of sale or the county gets to keep funds.


Choosing My Foreclosure Solution as your partner in financial recovery means gaining access to a wealth of information on tax and mortgage overages. Our commitment to transparency is reflected in this comprehensive guide, providing you with the tools to navigate the intricacies of overages. By exploring state-specific laws and official websites, you empower yourself with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions. We’re committed to not only guide you through the foreclosure recovery process but also to serve as a valuable resource hub.

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